Minggu, 12 Agustus 2007

SAP on DB2 UDB for OS 390 and z OS Implementing Application Servers on Linux for zSeries

This IBM Redbook focuses on the implementation of SAP application servers on Linux for zSeries. It applies to IBM z/OS V1R2 (5694-A01), IBM z/VM V4.2 (5739-A04), SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 7 for IBM zSeries (64-bit), IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS V7.1 (5675-DB2), and SAP R/3 4.6C SR2.
The book provides overviews of SAP and Linux and describes the planning needed for SAP on Linux for zSeries, including resource sharing considerations, hardware and software requirements, and support and maintenance.
It focuses on how to prepare the system environment, describing system and network configurations, as well as installation and customization tasks. After detailing how to install SAP application servers in z/VM Linux images, it concludes with a description of how to clone those images.

Table of Contents
Ch 1 SAP and Linux overview
Ch 2 Planning for SAP on Linux for zSeries
Ch 3 Preparing the system environment
Ch 4 Installing SAP application servers on Linux
Ch 5 Cloning an SAP dialog instance
App A R3SETUP output
App B Cloning

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